Upcoming events.


First Friday at Un Grito

Join me for the Opening of my show “Bloomed before me”

Artist Statement:

My work emerges from a deep-rooted need to navigate the complexities of existence and our place within the vast expanse of the universe. Each creation is a reflection of my quest to process the enigma of time and space while seeking connection amidst our seemingly insignificant presence.

With an overarching vision to overwhelm viewers with the sheer volume of work, I aim to underscore the fragility of our existence, reminding us of our inherent smallness and the delicate balance upon which our lives teeter.

This current body of work is an extension of my previous explorations into themes of grief, relationships, and the profound questions that are interwoven into our existence. It delves into the relentless interrogation of our purpose and the relentless pursuit of understanding.

Drawing inspiration from Mary Oliver's poem, "The Poet visits the Museum of Fine Art," I contemplate the resilience of roses, their perpetual offering echoing the human condition. Through each bloom, I ponder the countless lives that have come before us, each a testament to the intricate dance of existence, shaped by both natural forces and human intervention.

Embedded within this series is a profound sense of community, as each flower is crafted with the involvement of members from our interconnected artist ecosystem. This collaboration serves as a visual representation of our collective journey, highlighting the interwoven threads that bind us together.

At its core, my work serves as a visual language through which I grapple with the complexities of humanity. It is a testament to the power of art to unravel the mysteries of existence, offering a glimpse into the profound depths of our shared experience.

Ultimately, my philosophy of artmaking is rooted in the belief that through creative expression, we can confront the fundamental truths of our existence, transcending language barriers to forge connections that transcend time and space.

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First Friday at Carbon Bloom

Join me for the opening of my solo show “My Body is Not My Body”

Artist Statement:

Last year I wrote a song reflecting on my struggles with identity. Growing up, I felt compelled to embody an ideal that others could admire, inadvertently obscuring my true self. As time passed, I realized I was the antithesis of what I was expected to be. My journey of self-discovery was imperative, a path marked by gratitude tinged with sorrow for the self-respect I had long neglected. Navigating a world steeped in masculine dominance left little room for the cultivation of my femininity. The pervasive anxiety of compensating for the fact that I was not a man, further distanced me from my authentic self. Yet, through this body of work, I find healing and solace—a testament to the transformative power of artistic expression.

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Soft opening at carbon bloom

Join me for a chill soft opening at Carbon Bloom for my Solo Show Titled “My Body Is Not My Body”

Artist Statement:

Last year I wrote a song reflecting on my struggles with identity. Growing up, I felt compelled to embody an ideal that others could admire, inadvertently obscuring my true self. As time passed, I realized I was the antithesis of what I was expected to be. My journey of self-discovery was imperative, a path marked by gratitude tinged with sorrow for the self-respect I had long neglected. Navigating a world steeped in masculine dominance left little room for the cultivation of my femininity. The pervasive anxiety of compensating for the fact that I was not a man, further distanced me from my authentic self. Yet, through this body of work, I find healing and solace—a testament to the transformative power of artistic expression.

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Porcelain Flower Workshop

Porcelain Flower Workshop

I'm excited to invite you to my very first workshop in the new studio! Come hang out, explore the new space, and create a beautiful porcelain flower. It's a relaxed, come-and-go event, so you can drop in anytime between 10 am and 3 pm.

Donations are optional but greatly appreciated!

If you plan to attend, please fill out this form to receive the address.

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